Sunday, December 12, 2010

I Did It!!

 I actually put my tree in an urn!

I just wanted to wish everyone.....
Happy Holidays!


Friday, November 12, 2010

Need a brake!

Yep it's official~I need a Blog Break! 

I know this because I'm starting to feel a little stressed....
  I just haven't been able to post as much as I would like.

And I told myself if I wasn't having fun then I needed a break.

So I am off to get some things done around here 
and to get re-inspired! ;o)

Talk to Soon!

Monday, November 8, 2010

I am embarrassed to say that I have been very sick
I don't know what the deal is. 
I haven't really been sick for the last couple years.
And I actually bragged about it to my husband,
who has been sick more than usual the past couple years.
Well that will teach me to shut my big mouth.
I actually had to visit the doctor and he said 
it was probably to late for a flu shot,
seeing as I've already had 
all that there is out there to catch!

Enough about that!

Over the summer I was on the hunt for an arbor!

I looked everywhere and I found
"A Rustic Garden"! 
Click HERE to see for yourself!
They also have a blog HERE!
It's located in Mt. Sterling Illinois.
Which sadly is a little far from my home. can order online! Yay!

 I love it!
I planted bittersweet vine on both sides and
hopefully it will look great by next summer!

I spent a very long time looking at their website!
I have already stored up a few ideas that I might use!
I am thinking that I might put my main Christmas tree in a urn! 

(Now this is a little too country looking for me but I could come up 
with  a urn and a tree that would go with my style!)

Think about it, 
the tree would be up off the floor and you could put
all kinds of wonderfully wrapped gifts underneath! 
Since moving to the new house I could use a taller tree so
putting it in a urn might solve that problem too!
I already have a smaller tree in a urn 
but putting my main tree in a urn had never dawned on me.
So...if you get a chance check them out!

On the mend,

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fun Finds!

~As I have said before~

"Only buy what you LOVE!"

The only problem with this theory 
is that I have started to accumulate things that I LOVE
with no real spot for them to go!

Here are just a few of the treasures that I just LOVED!

Loved this old gate.
May put a little white paint on it and leave it out for the winter.
That way it will be chippy white next spring 
and maybe I will find the perfect spot for it.

Loved this fun wooden crate with the canvas handles.
It also has little casters on the bottom. So it rolls around easily!

Cute decorative ceiling tile. They don't make them like this anymore!

~Sweet little white cabinet~

This is a porcelain cup and soap holder.
I just love the cube of french soap!

And I just had to have this old pillar.
It makes me wonder where it came from.
What did the house look like that it once supported?

Would love to hear any suggestion that you might have 
on what to do with these little treasures!

Can you believe it's November already!
~Happy Monday Everyone~

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


How come sometimes life gets so crazy!

I barely got home from Chicago and the madness began!

Today the landscapers showed up 
to start to redo the front of the house.

 The irrigation guy came to shut down the sprinklers. 

The wedding caterer and the tent guy showed up to go over 
wedding stuff for the wedding that is at our house in June.

We checked out hotels for guest to stay in for the wedding.

And I am getting ready to have our future daughter-in-laws 
family over for dinner this weekend.

Oh... and had lunch with mom and Karen.
(Haven't seen mom in forever!)

All things that I love...... but all in the same day is a little crazy!

Needless to say I will be back soon with a real post.
But for right now I am just trying to keep my head above water!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Off to Chicago!

Every year at this time Mike and I take a little trip to Chicago.
He has business meetings and I get to go along.
There are lots of dinners and meetings and for me a little shopping.
Now if I were really organized I'd do a little Christmas shopping.
But I'm not....darn it!

Actually I might take it easy on the shopping.
After all the shopping and walking in New York 
a couple weeks ago I don't think my feet could take it.

Oh but what fun it was.....

They have these wonderful open markets.

 Farmer's markets!

 Aunt Kathy lead us to this place!
Only the best cupcake I have ever had!!!

Quaint little shops!

Check out all  those old sewing machines!
Now I am a big fan of Papyrus.
But Kate's Paperie was to die for.

Now let me tell you after all this shopping and walking
and high heel wearing 
my poor pigs were killing me!
(the poor babies were even swollen....but I just couldn't stop!)

So the last night we were there I threw on my tennies
(real classy....huh?)
and Mike and I headed for
The Waldorf Astoria!

He's a Hilton Honors member so it was free with his points!!!
How fun is that..... beautiful and free!
The room was a suite and it was lovely!

What a lovely place to
rest my pigs!

So now off I go to Chicago! :o)
I'll be back posting next week. 
Have a fabulous weekend my friends!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I have mums on the brain!
I love all the different colors that they come in!
And when every thing else is looking dried up and dead
it's nice to see a little mum color!
We were gone to New York for only 4 days and when we returned
it seemed like most of the leaves had come down!

But..... there where still my mums!

I found these at my local greenhouse with the grass in the middle and the mums around the edges!
Oh how I wish the blooms lasted longer!

Enjoy your mums while they last!

Happy Fall my Friends!