Wednesday, October 27, 2010


How come sometimes life gets so crazy!

I barely got home from Chicago and the madness began!

Today the landscapers showed up 
to start to redo the front of the house.

 The irrigation guy came to shut down the sprinklers. 

The wedding caterer and the tent guy showed up to go over 
wedding stuff for the wedding that is at our house in June.

We checked out hotels for guest to stay in for the wedding.

And I am getting ready to have our future daughter-in-laws 
family over for dinner this weekend.

Oh... and had lunch with mom and Karen.
(Haven't seen mom in forever!)

All things that I love...... but all in the same day is a little crazy!

Needless to say I will be back soon with a real post.
But for right now I am just trying to keep my head above water!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Off to Chicago!

Every year at this time Mike and I take a little trip to Chicago.
He has business meetings and I get to go along.
There are lots of dinners and meetings and for me a little shopping.
Now if I were really organized I'd do a little Christmas shopping.
But I'm not....darn it!

Actually I might take it easy on the shopping.
After all the shopping and walking in New York 
a couple weeks ago I don't think my feet could take it.

Oh but what fun it was.....

They have these wonderful open markets.

 Farmer's markets!

 Aunt Kathy lead us to this place!
Only the best cupcake I have ever had!!!

Quaint little shops!

Check out all  those old sewing machines!
Now I am a big fan of Papyrus.
But Kate's Paperie was to die for.

Now let me tell you after all this shopping and walking
and high heel wearing 
my poor pigs were killing me!
(the poor babies were even swollen....but I just couldn't stop!)

So the last night we were there I threw on my tennies
(real classy....huh?)
and Mike and I headed for
The Waldorf Astoria!

He's a Hilton Honors member so it was free with his points!!!
How fun is that..... beautiful and free!
The room was a suite and it was lovely!

What a lovely place to
rest my pigs!

So now off I go to Chicago! :o)
I'll be back posting next week. 
Have a fabulous weekend my friends!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I have mums on the brain!
I love all the different colors that they come in!
And when every thing else is looking dried up and dead
it's nice to see a little mum color!
We were gone to New York for only 4 days and when we returned
it seemed like most of the leaves had come down!

But..... there where still my mums!

I found these at my local greenhouse with the grass in the middle and the mums around the edges!
Oh how I wish the blooms lasted longer!

Enjoy your mums while they last!

Happy Fall my Friends!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Oh what to do, what to do......

At any given time in my house you may see something
sitting around with the price tag still on.
Sometimes it will be there for weeks 
depending on what the return policy is on that item.

My husband has learned over the years not to ask.
He knows the answer will always be the same.
"I just need to look at it for a while!"

I am sure you all do this from time to time.

I've had this crazy little number balancing on my bench
in the hallway for about 3 weeks now!

Hmmm....what to do?!!

I have had nothing above this bench for.... oh maybe a year now.
Just waiting for the perfect thing to catch my eye.

Then I was in World Market getting a few things 
and I saw this funky circle painting.
I love the colors. I love the size. I love the circles.

I like an element of surprise in a room, you know,
something to catch ones eye!

as I have said before my home is kinda 
English Cottage meets French Country.

 Mostly it's just eclectic.
 I know that eclectic is a catchall for someone 
who throws together all kinds of styles.
But....eclectic is really my personality!

I dress my self and decorate my home 
depending on my mood at any given time.
I buy what I love at the time, knowing that eventually
my mood will change and I may or may not love it anymore!

Although when it comes to big ticket items 
I try to buy more traditional (safe) pieces.
But when it comes to accessories 
I tend to go with what trips my trigger at the time.

do I keep the funky inexpensive circle painting?
Do I frame it?
(Remembering that a frame will cost way more the the painting!)
Do I hang things on either side of it?
Or put something large on the floor on one side 
or the other of the bench? 

I think I'll decide next week.....
I just need to look at it for a while longer.
I mean, I have at least 10 more days till I have to return it!

Until next week,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Home Again!

So tired...... but so much fun!
That's right we made it back today from New York!

Image from:

As you know we attended a wedding in New York this past weekend.
Aunt Kathy's oldest son, Aaron was married in Brooklyn.
And we where lucky enough to get in on all the fun.

We started out going to the rehearsal dinner at 

 Image from: Heartland Brewery

 This fun restaurant is found on the first floor of  the
Empire State Building!

Image from: Rooftop Hostels

Cousin Sarah and her husband, Jake.

Cousin Kate and her boyfriend, Dave.

Uncle George with his "Father of the Groom" speech!

Check out this grooms cake!
This towering french cream puff cake is called a 
 And it was soooo delicious! 

Next we headed for the wedding itself.
Which was at the.....

The gardens are beautiful! 
And because the groom is employed by the gardens 
we as guests where treated like royalty!

Here's the groom!

 Here's the beautiful Bride!

Look at how happy Aunt Kathy is!
She's on the right.

The Bride is also a competitive ballroom dancer.
So we all enjoyed a little Cha Cha from the bride and her dance partner.
At the end of the evening Meg changed into her kimono.
Meg's family brought this lovely wedding kimono from Japan for her.  

  Congratulations Meg and Aaron! I have to get something done around here!
So I'll be back soon.....


Thursday, October 7, 2010

I'm leaving on a jet plane.....

That's right my guy and I are off to New York 
to attend a wedding for my husbands cousin!
I will try and take some pics and share when I return.
It should be beautiful!

I hope you have a wonderful fall weekend! 
I'll be back posting next week!

~ Catch Ya Later ~

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

DRUM ~ ROLE ~ PLEASE.........

A great BIG THANK YOU to all of you
 for the wonderful response to the
Plush Pumpkin Giveaway!!!

Congratulations to
Peg C.!

Please email me your address 
these little beauties will be in your home before you know it!!

Thank you everyone for all of your kind and lovely comments!
Talking back and forth with you is so much fun for me!
 Your comments warm my heart!!
