Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Anniversary Wish!

 I had planned to post this post on Sunday
but because I had a BAD case of the flu {ugh!!}
that has lasted for several days, I am a little late!
Still a little under the weather today but I really wanted
to say Happy Anniversary to Ben & Kelly!

One year ago on Sept. 19th our son, Ben was married.
He is our second son and our first to tie the knot!

It was a very exciting and busy time around here.
Leading up to the wedding we had a bridal shower, a bachelor party and 3 weeks after the wedding & reception in St. Louis we had a second reception, all of which were at our home!
Even though it was busy and a somewhat stressful time 
it was still so exciting and so much fun!
I still find myself daydreaming about it to this day! 
Oh what wonderful memories we made last year!

I also need to tell you about my daughter-in law, Kelly!
She is the perfect fit for our very stubborn son! {love you Ben-boy} 
And we think the world of her!

And when it came to planning the wedding....
Kelly did a fabulous job with every detail.
She didn't sweat the small stuff and yet 
she seemed to think of every thing.

So here's some photos so you can get inspired 
in case you have one of these coming up some time soon!

 Save the dates!


Place cards and table numbers!

 Wishing Jars!

Yummy favors made by Kelly's mom, Marcia!

She did a table of photo's of all the 
parents and grandparents wedding photo's!

And Kelly had a surprise for Ben!
It was a cigar bar!
And Ben & his buddies had fun!


And this was my favorite surprise!
A note to all of the guests!

Beautiful Bridesmaids!

Some of the Crazy Groomsmen!

{And a little mom bragging!}
These are my babies!

Happy 1st Anniversary Kelly & Ben!
~Thanks for the memories~
Love Mom!

Have a great week everyone!
And... stay healthy :-)