Thursday, August 19, 2010

$18 Bucks!

I just had to show you the great deal I got!

I went back to this store last week 
to pick up a pair of shutters that I had my eye on.
But to my dismay they had a sold sign on them! :-(

Then as I was paying for a few other little goodies 
I spied these behind the counter.

  {And yes my workshop floor is really bright blue tile!}

I asked if they were for sale.
And as luck would have it the women said,
sure....hows $18 bucks sound? 

I am thinking $18 each. 
Then the women says....for both!


Now some would think, 
what the heck do you do with two old shutters
(I think they are really louvered closet doors.)
that aren't even painted very nicely!

But I knew right where I wanted them to go!

So home they came with me.
They were just a little too tall for my space.


 I cut them down.

 Used a little of this on the spots that had 
fresh bare wood showing through.
(This darkens the bare wood and makes it look old.)

Then I walked them upstairs
and put them in the spot I had picked out.

They may not be for everyone 
but.....I LOVE THEM!

Gotta love a good deal!

I have a few other project that I plan to share with you
in the coming weeks
so stay tuned!

Happy Shopping,