Saturday, July 10, 2010

Random photo's!
Over time I seem to save a bunch
of random photo's.
They are just photo's that catch my eye!

Love the duvet at the end of the bed
the cute antique bench!

I saved this one because
I would love to find a wardrobe
like the big blue one in the corner.
I wish I could see the whole thing!
I would like to paint it white

use it on my back porch!

Love the chippy fireplace mantel for a headboard.
And how about the bench next to the bed, to be
used as a night stand or a stool to help
jump into this comfy bed!


I've had a busy last couple of weeks.
I've been helping my in-laws get there
house ready to go on the market!
They have been in the same home for 40 years!

So....there has been
a lot of lifting and cleaning and
for my mother in-law
a lot of emotional decisions as to
what to hang on to or what to let go!

I suppose that's why all
the photo's are of
lovely beds!

I am feeling like a nap today!

Have a relaxing weekend!