Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hey There!
Have you missed me?

I've missed you!
I have no good excuse for why I haven't blogged much!
We have had quite a bit of company over to the house.
  Then I ran my brother to a Doctor's appointment.
After we left the office I realized I had left 
my computer in the waiting area!
By the time I realized it, I was home and it was to late to call!
But thankfully my sister picked it up the for me the next day!
(So... no computer for a couple days made it hard to blog!)

I also had a lovely lunch at Joy's (the Savvy City Farmer)
home yesterday. Oh my gosh was her home wonderful!
She is so creative and her home is so uniquely her!
    Jen Rizzo from Sanctuary Arts &
Tracey from French Larkspur also had
lunch with us and we did a lot of blog talking.
I got to pick their brains.
I was the newbie of the group so
they patiently answered all my questions!

Thank you Joy for a lovely lunch and the lovely company!

Ok....ok....enough words!

Now lets see some photo's....


It's the inside!
This is our Master Bedroom.
There are 2 things I love about our bedroom.

First, I love the barrel ceilings.
It was hard to show them but 
you can kind of see them in a few of the photos.

Second, I love the five windows that go 
across the wall opposite our bed. 
I hardly ever close the blinds so in the morning we
wake to all the beautiful trees and birds.
 And in the wintertime the snow 
on the trees is so beautiful!

Oh... and did I tell you that I
love love love
a really soft set of sheets!
Hmmm..... I feel like going back to bed!!

Missed you,