I know there has probably been a bazillion posts
about Farmers Markets
this is going to be another one!!
Because, again I feel as if I have been out of the loop.
I just discovered my first farmers market last summer.
I had heard of them but had never actually been to one.
And now I am hooked.
In the new town where I live you can find a farmers market
almost any day of the week between
the months of May and October.
But Wednesdays are my day of choice right now!
Most times I meet Mike's Aunts there or
my daughter if she gets a chance.
~this week I met my eldest son~
( I told him to pose nice.....but does he listen?)

~and his girlfriend~
Who had a little trouble with her new sunglasses!

They were celebrating, because it was
the beginning of summer vacation for them.
They are both middle school teachersWho had a little trouble with her new sunglasses!
the beginning of summer vacation for them.
and had finished up earlier that day.
Woo hoo!
My daughter even showed up for lunch!

she uses to put her market goodies in.
Silly Girl!!
We bought veggies.
A few plants and flowers.
Some homemade jam and even some Wisconsin cheese!

Then we sat outdoors and enjoyed lunch!

I love summer days like this.
I wish I had figured out this Farmers Market thing sooner!
Hope you get a chance to enjoy yourself today!