Sunday, May 30, 2010

Whoo ~ Hoo
I am back!!

That's right we are back from vacation.
And we had a lovely time!
The beaches were so beautiful and so white!

I hardly moved from under these bright blue umbrellas!

And there was no oil! Yay!
All I can think about is how awful it will be
if the oil does hit those breath taking beaches.
So say a little prayer for those folks down there!

Now, before I left I hit the NaDa Farm Sale!
I had the pleasure of meeting Joy from Savvy City Farmer.
Her things are so unique! She is one very creative lady.
It was a pleasure to meet you Joy!

~ Lovely things ~ Don't ya think~

Then I met Tracey from French Larkspur.
She gave me a shout out on her blog.
Which was so sweet of her because
I had the most hits I have ever had!!
Thank You Tracey!

As for Giveaway #2!

You can still enter to win.
I will except entries up until Monday, May 31st at midnight.

To all of you that have entered....



thank you to you!!

Can't wait to send these funky necklaces out to the
lucky winners!

Talk to you soon!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oh my gosh! Giveaway #2

First, I would like to thank you for checking out my blog!

I have a site meter, which tells me how many hits I get in a day.
And, as I do not have that many followers yet,
my hits are increasing daily.
Also I am starting to get more comment from all of you.
Which really makes my day!

Thank you~Thank you~Thank you

Now if only I could get certain friends and family
to figure out how to post a comment....
I would have it made!
(my mom, Aunt Kathy, Karen, and so!)

~On to the Giveaway~

As you know I am going on vacation
and because I have never had a blog before,
I am not sure I will be able to blog and vacation at the same time.

Lucky for all of you that I can only do one thing at a time.
Because that means Giveaway #2 for you!!

Here goes....

ever had or have seen a spoon collection?

Now I don't want to offend,
but I am just not really in to spoon collecting.
But I am into these really awesome Spoon Necklaces.

I have one...and I couldn't resist one for my mom
for Mother's Day!
After all the one I bought for my mom was
the same pattern as her Grandmothers silverware.
How cool is that!!

This cross is made from several spoon handles.
We'll call this choice...

And this one is made from the end of the spoon.
We'll call this choice...

Sometimes I change the chain on mine.
I like it longer and wear it with a couple other chains.
It's really a lot of fun!!

So now's your chance to get one for your self.

Here's the rules, girls....

1. Become a follower or let me know you are already a follower by leaving me a comment.

2. For a second chance to win leave me a separate comment telling me what's your favorite kind of jewelry.
{My favorites are...rings or maybe bracelets or necklaces...Oh who am I kidding, I love it all!}

3. For a third chance to win, mention this giveaway on your blog and leave a separate comment letting me know.

Your name could be in the hat up to 3 times!

I am using to pick the winners.
I will pick 1 winner and one runner up.
The winner will get their choice and
the runner up will get the other necklace.
I think there both wonderful so it's a win win!!
I will be announcing the lucky winners next week when I get back.

I'll miss posting, but my husband and I made a pact
that we would take a real vacation.
So no emails or internet for us for the week!

Until next time!!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'm So Excited...

and I just can't hide it!!

We haven't been on a real vacation in ages
but this weekend we are going on a much needed one
to Gulf Shores, Alabama!

We first thought about driving down and stopping by here...

Glad we changed our plans.
Hard to go to the Grand Ole Opry
when it's flooded.
What a sad time for the people of Nashville.

But I must admit now we are a little concerned about this...

A white sandy beach with black oil all over it
could be a buzz-kill.
But so far no oil where we are staying.
Starting to wonder if this vacation was meant to be!

Think positive..think positive...think positive..

I plan to do a little of this...
enjoy a couple of these...
or how about this....
maybe a little of this....
and hopefully a lot of this.....
So cross your fingers the oil stays away!

I am planning on my SECOND GIVEAWAY while I am gone.
So come back soon to check it out!

Mean while I'll be busy as can be, getting ready to go.
~so much to do and so little time~


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Check it out!

If your planning on going to the
Nada Farm Sale
this weekend, you'll want to check out the
Savvy City Farmers blog!

Joy is teasing us with a little glimpse
of what she will have for sale!

to have a look!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


...what I've been working on!

I long to be a better picture taker.
The color just didn't really show up as it is.

You see, this very awesome dresser is
an awful greenish color.

But look at the lines.
Love the curvy legs and the pretty little handles.
And get this... it's 5 1/2 feet tall.
I can't even see into the top drawer.
It's a little to high for me.

Oh, did I tell you it's a puke-green color.

My daughter-in-law Kelly and I found this
little beauty at an off the wall place in
down town Chicago.
Called Nadeau.
It has all kinds of funky imported furniture.
Kelly found two fun night stands
for her guest room.
Just as we were getting ready to leave
I spotted this unusually tall dresser.

And... I just so happen
to be looking for a piece for my
shabby chic guest room.
So far, I have brought home several pieces
for this space, only to return them.
But...this piece could work.
Did I mention it's a very ugly green color!

I bought it anyway!!


So now it's time to get to work.

First I sand the heck out of it.

Next I primed it.
Then 2 coats of Benjamin Moore,
White Dove OC-17, eggshell paint.
Now time to distress it a little.
So I sand here and there.
Finally I cover it with a coat of
Johnson Paste Wax.
Buff it like crazy.
Throw the hardware back on.

And Tah Dah.....

I have this really great white,
distressed, 5 1/2 ft. tall,
shabby chic look'n, awesome dresser!

It was a lot of work but
I'm love'n it!!

Now to finish it up with a lamp, picture or
a little something fun!

Happy Monday to you my friend.

Happy Anniversary To The Man I Love!

Twenty nine years ago today I married my
high school sweetheart!

today as I take the time to reflect
on the past 29 years,
I know with out a doubt I wouldn't
change a thing!

I am truly blessed to have such a
wonderful man in my life.

I look forward to many more
anniversaries with you!
Thank you so much for the wonderful gift and
the beautiful roses!
You make me feel so special.

~I love to love Ya~

I hope you can spend your Sunday
with the one you love!


Friday, May 14, 2010

Love a Good Doorway...

how about you?

If your anything like me you can't help but check out a
great doorway!!
I like to look at the handles, the light fixtures, the doorbells,
the door decor, the color and so on.

There is just something about a great door that makes me
want to see more.

Don't ya just want to knock and ask to see what's inside.

I find myself playing a little game in my head.
I try to imagine what kind of woman lives inside.

It's strange, I know!
{Maybe I should have kept this to myself.
I don't have that many followers as it is.}

So let's are a few random photos
and these are just my thoughts on what kind of lady lives inside.

See if you agree!!

This first doorway says...
This lady wears her hair in a bob, has great taste in clothes,
is confident and successful.

She's traditional, private,
and her father and grandfather were Navel officers.
{I think it's the blue & white that makes me think Navy! Weird... I know!}

This ones easy...she's a hopeless romantic,
and has long flowing blond hair.
She's not married yet and loves anything organic.
{ I'm not sure alot of guys would go for this look! lol}

She's relaxed, loves the outdoors, wears a straw gardening hat
and has a great old dog.

This one says...I have really great taste but know one knows it.
She loves to mix old with new.

She's lived here for a long time. Is in her early fifties.
And now that her family is raised she is getting ready
to open a quaint little garden shop in the barn out back.

She wouldn't be caught dead without her red lipstick.
She's always the center of attention.
And is a "glass is half full" kinda gal!

This is my fav...
It says she loves to bake, to entertain and spend time with her
family and friends.

And finally this one says....

A 48 year old lady who writes a blog lives here.
She loves it when her family comes to visit.
She enjoys cooking because she likes to eat.
She's still learning how to garden.
She has a chubby Bulldog named Lulu.
she doesn't pee her pants anymore!!

Have a fun weekend with the people you love!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I don't know if you have noticed but I have an addiction for
I truly enjoy trying out new recipes.

Crazy huh?

And then there is my family!
While they get a healthy meal most nights.
They also are the victims of some pretty bad ones!

Now I realize that you can't love every single recipe in a book.
But I have made several meals from this new book and
so far so good.

I was working around the house with the TV on
and Rachel Ray had this guy on her show.

He is Rocco Dispirito!

And he was talking about his new cookbook.

"Now Eat This"

All the recipes are under 350 calories.
Comfort foods that are low in calories and fat and
actually taste good.

And because I have a weakness for cookbooks,
I ordered it from Amazon.

We love the Chicken & Dumplings and the Steak Au Poivre.
Next I am trying the
Smothered Pork Chops With Apples and Cheddar Cheese.

I will say we weren't love'n the
Grilled Turkey Salisbury Steaks with Tomatoes
and Provolone Sauce.
But I think it was because I am not crazy about rosemary.

~So far this cookbook was worth the $~


Monday, May 10, 2010

Farm sale here I come!!
We are leaving on a little vacation on May 22nd

So that means I will be able to check out this sale on the 21st.

I have never been before but
Joy from the Savvy City Farmer Blog
will have her wonderful things there!

If you live close to me or are from my home town
of Rochelle than you will be able to
stop in and check it out!

Click HERE to get more info.

Any question drop me an email!

Happy Shopping everyone!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

~Mother's Day~

This year my sister and I took our mom to lunch and a little shopping.
A little Mothers day treat for the girls!
(i also have a brother, but shopping and tea are not his

It was her choice and as always mom chose an "off the wall place."
That's right no Panera or Applebee's for this mother!

We ended up in a very small town that has this
quaint little gift shop with loads of goodies.
Next we had lunch across the street at this little place called
Crumpets and Tea. usual
when the three of us get together we laugh!

Laugh we did, because while dining
(on homemade cabbage rolls~yum)
this extremely loud music started to play.
It sounded like we were inside of one of those old jewelry boxes.
You know the ones were the dancing ballerina twirls around!

That's all it took....
and we started laughing so hard we cried!
{And get this I didn't even pee my pants! Yea!}

Next we were off to a wonderful gardening place
that Aunt Kathy had recommended.

That's were the real shopping began...

Blumen Gardens in Sycamore Illinois!

It's so fun and funky!
With all kinds of unique things that just called my name.

Here's a pic of my Mom and sister!
My mom looks so innocent but she was in rare form!!
My mom has a great sense of humor and the fact that she was
shopping with her two daughters
at one of her favorite kinds of places...
well that made for a fun & crazy day!

Here are a few shots of things that caught my eye!

Align Left

How cool is this ground cover growing
on the top of this old outhouse!

See those two landscape elevation pictures with the black frames.
They came home with me....hmmmm.
Love them!!
What a fun day we had!
If you live in the area, this is a must see!

Happy Mother's Day Mom....
Love You!

I hope all of you mother's have a special day!!
