Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hello Everyone!
I'm slowly getting back on my feet and feeling better all the time.
Thanks in part to my wonderful family.
My daughter got me some much needed necessary items.
My son's called and brought over some get well goodies!
And my Mom brought over dinner.
Isn't family great!

And last but not least my husband has waited on me hand and foot!
Did I tell you I was married to Howie Long?
You know the football sportscaster!

Just kidd'n!
But he gets that all the time.
Mike my husband is on the left and Howie is on the right.
I think it's the hair cut that reminds people of Howie Long!
What do you think?

Oh, and did I mention my sister-in-law is Sarah Palin!

Funny isn't it!!

I'll be back soon with some of my favorite things!
But for now I have to go catch a much needed nap!!

Happy Hump Day!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

~ Ladies Only ~

Have you ever heard the saying
"Laugh till you pee your pant?"

I don't think what I'm about to talk about pertains to men.
{So if your a guy you may want to skip this post.}

I'm embarrassed to say that I do this every time I laugh!

I am literally "Cindy Pee Pants."
It has become kind of a family joke actually.
It's all in good fun!
But they love to say, "Mom come jump on the trampoline."
"Run mom, run."
"Oh no Cindy's laughing to hard!"

But, as of Tuesday I will be "Cindy Pee Pants", no more!!
I am having a little procedure to fix this long time problem.
I'm not big on going to the doctor. I mean, how do you tell a
doctor that at 48 years old you are tired of peeing your pants.

That's probably ~ T-M-I

But when I started this blog I told myself that
I would talk about what ever is on my mind.

And this is what's on my mind.

I also thought their might be some women out
there that could appreciate my little problem.

for those women, it's a Bladder Sling procedure
and from my research it's very successful!

It's literally a sling to hold your bladder up.
A bladder that has fallen due to carrying large babies
or it's just how your body is.

OK I won't subject you to anymore.

Afterward I hope to be posting very soon!

Say a little prayer that everything goes ok
and that it works!!

Have a good week!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Girl Shop'n

On Wednesday I had a wonderful Girls Day out!
I went to the Geneva/St. Charles, IL area to hit all the fun little shops.
I went with "The Aunts."
They are both my husbands Aunts.
And they know there way around the area!
So we had one of those days where you find more
treasures than you have money for.
But, the best part of the day was the wonderful conversation at lunch!

Here is a gorgeous plant I found!

Cross your fingers that I can keep it alive!

here are a few photo's of my Easter themed birdcage.

You have a fun weekend.
I think I'll be painting at my son & daughter-in-laws home.
That's what we mother's do!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What are you still holding on to?

As promised, I took a look around my house
and found only a few pieces that I just never get tired of.
They don't necessarily have sentimental value
and yet I still keep them.
I should give you a little history about myself, to help you understand
how big a deal it is that I still have these things.

We lived in our last house for roughly fifteen years.
Most of the raising of our kids happened in this house.

It was home!

Then they all started leaving the nest so we decide it was time for us to make a change.
New house, new town!
We ordered a dumpster and we cleaned house.
And I mean we seriously cleaned house.
Some of the things I had long treasured went to the kids
(even if they didn't want them.)
But only a very few things went with us.
And even as I was taking pictures of them
I am not quite sure why I can't seem to part with them.
I am not sure what these few things say about me!

I love wooden boxes and have purchased many of them over the years.
This is the only one that made the move.
It was always my favorite!

I think this old milk can came from my mom's house.
It's kind of beat up but I always find a place for it.

Oh, have I mentioned that I love copper.
The bucket in the top picture and the two pieces in the bottom photo
have been in almost every home I have lived in.
I have since purchased several more pieces.
Please tell me copper never goes out of style!

If you look closely you will see an onion basket on the right.
I received this little beauty as a shower gift about 29 yrs. ago.
I have changed the cloth napkins inside of it many times to
match the decor of what ever kitchen I had.
But I have always used it for onions.
I guess I just couldn't find a better place to store them!!

I am almost afraid to show this last one.
For fear my mom might ask for it back.
This baby has been around for a long, long time.
It's a cute little table with wonderful legs. And it's a great size.

So there you have it. The things I keep { for some strange reason.}
If you get a chance. walk around your home and see what you have.
And if you haven't had a place of your own for very long,
take a good look around.
Because, chances are there are things that you will
still be holding on to 30 yrs. from now.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Decorating v/s Style"
That was the title of a post by Vicky the author of
Room Service ~ Decorating 101
In her thought provoking post she describes her views
on the difference between a decorated room.....

and a room that's put together with style.

I can remember vividly when I was much, much younger
a neighbor coming by our home to drop something off.
He had never been in our home before and as he stepped in
he looked around and commented on the decorating.
He said your house is
interesting, very eclectic.
I said oh, thank you. {I think}

The minute he left I looked up the word "eclectic."

  • someone who selects according to the eclectic method
  • selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas
  • Eclecticism is a kind of mixed style in the fine arts, "the borrowing of a variety of styles from different sources and combining them"
Was he saying that I had a"MESS"of different styles!

Vicky says, "Style", is a horse of a different color . . .
a room with style often breaks the rules,
and still manages to create a pleasing space.
Style is not learned, but comes naturally.

I'd like to think that I have style.
But all I really have is a feeling.
That feeling you get when your finishing up a room and
you step back and you say to your self, "now that feels right."

At least for now!

In another of Vicky's posts, Signature Style, she asks you to
write 5 words that would describe your style.
I wrote, worn, cozy,
frenchish, (across between French & English country),
muted, unpredictable.

I love to look at rooms with unpredictable things in them.
An unusually something that catches my eye!

What 5 words describe your style?

Next, Vicky challenges other Bloggers to post photo's
of things you never put away.
You know, those things that you can never seem to part with."
Things that make it, move after move after move.

Stay tuned and I will post photo's of things that I never get tired of!

Monday, March 22, 2010

And The Winner is Karen Combs!

Karen ~ Thank you for becoming a follower and for your comment!
Also,welcome back from Haiti and I must say
what wonderful work you do over there!

I'll mail this birds nest out to you ASAP!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Last full day to sign up for my
1st Giveaway.
Just scroll down a couple posts and learn how.
It's it a beauty!

And here is another great Giveaway from
Marley & Lockyer.
It's one of my favorite blogs.
Just click HERE to learn how to win.
Her things are wonderful.
You will want to check out her
Esty Shop also!

I'll be back tomorrow to let you know who won
the William-Sonoma Nest filled with chocolate truffled eggs!
Happy Sunday Everyone!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Think Flowers!!

The weather has been so wonderful for the last few days! always March is a month that you can't trust.
Starting tonight we are supposed to get 1-3 in. of the white stuff.

So here are some photos to keep you thinking Spring,
which officially starts tomorrow!

Come on Spring!!

Aren't English Gardens Beautiful!
Can't you just smell the roses? ;-)

Don't forget to post a comment on my "Giveaway post"
to win my very springy Blog Giveaway!

Have a Great Weekend!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Very 1st Giveaway!

Ever heard of a blog giveaway?

It's when the author of a blog {that's me}
gives something away to her followers {that's you.}
And it's fun for both you and I.
As I love to give gifts & who doesn't love to get them.

What, you ask, am I giving away?
Well it is something that I just Loved!

Check it out!

Doesn't it just say springtime to you!!

It is from William-Sonoma.
It is a wonderful nest made of
California-grown oak moss, lavender, oak leaves,
yellow feverfew and dried miniature roses.
The best part is it is loaded with Chocolate Truffle-filled Eggs!

Here's how you can get it!!

1. Become a follower if you are not one already!
2. Write a comment at the bottom of this post !
3. In your comment- let me know which Open Ended post that
you like best!

That's all there is to it!

And.. on Monday, March 22nd the winner will be announced
and I will be sending this wonderful nest to a new home!

If you know of someone that would enjoy this blog
pass it along so they can sign up also!

Oh, how much fun I am having with this blog thing!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Everyone needs a Birdcage!!

I am not very fond of birds.
And....yet, I know there are many people who
buy all kinds of wonderful birdhouses.
Who purchase interesting bird feeders.
And who enjoy bird watching.

But not me. They kind of creep me out.

Now this bird is ok.
He's not so creepy.

Lately I have noticed birdcages all over the place.
And I have always been intrigued by them.
You don't have to put birds in them and they make for a
great design element!

The one below belongs to the ever famous Aunt Kathy.
I wish I had found this little treasure first!

This cute little number I found at TJMaxx.
And I am slowly filling it with outdoorsy stuff!

This beauty has found a home in my dining room.
It is about 5 1/2 ft. tall and I am thinking of spray painting it a
lighter color.
I love the shape of it.

For a whole different twist.
How about these Wall Stickers.
That's right these birdcages are all wall stickers.
There from Giggle Smile Designs.
Kind of funny don't you think?:-)

You don't have to love birds to love a
great looking birdcage!


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Places to Check Out!

Oh what a rainy, windy day it was!
But my daughter-in-law, Kelly and I did what any
red-blooded women would do...we kept shop'n!

We hit the Antique Show.
It had wonderful old pieces but a little pricey!

Then to Scentimental Gardens.
We both purchased these......
Cute copper garden stakes.
And I found this moss covered scalloped clay pot!

We also hit another great place.
It was a wonderful shop.
Where we both picked up a bunch of this.....

It is a soft, willowy form of eucalyptus.
I can think of so many places that this will look great!
Click HERE to see there website.

Now for one of my most favorite places.
The Painted Lady
I actually learned about it from another blog, "La La Lovely" about a year and a half ago.
Thank You Trina!
If you like shabby chic or anything white then you will love
The Painted Lady.

Click HERE to check it out

{How about Stella the bulldog!}

This is the first piece I purchased there.

I still haven't taken the price tag ribbon off of it.

Then a couple weeks ago I purchased this wonderful piece!
Beth, the owner also has a few "not white pieces"
And I love, love, LOVE pine!

I think the crown trim is awesome.

The curve of the legs make my heart sing!

Kelly suggested all white accents because of
my white kitchen cabinets and I ran with it.

Gotta Love It!!

There you go!
If you live in the area, now you have two more
"Places to Check out."

Vicky from the blog "Room Service ~ Decorating 101"
suggested I tell about any online places I find.
I do a lot of online shopping so I will try and post those also.
Thanks Vicky!

That's enough for now.
We don't want to stress out the husbands!