Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tea, Anyone?

We went to the big city this weekend.
Our main reason for the trip was to visit with my husbands mother.
She had surgery and was at Northwestern hospital.
She is doing great and we were happy to sit and visit!

We stayed at The W Hotel on Lakeshore Drive.
The hotel is a very contemporary hotel.
Not really my favorite decor but it was actually fun
to check out all the funky furnishings.

The next 3 photos are the lobby of the hotel.
Comfy seating?...... Not!

This was The Wave restaurant.
The restaurant over looks Lake Michigan.
The food was excellent.

And here are a few shots of the rooms.
I've decided that modern is not always about comfort.

For me, the best part of the hotel stay was my morning tea!
I am not a coffee drinker. So tea is my caffeine of choice.
I had the most amazing Earl Grey tea in the morning
and a wonderful green tea before bedtime.

"Tea Forte" is the brand and the hotel served it in these
really cool clear glass cups and saucers.
The cups, saucers and teapots are also made by Tea Forte.

I felt pretty cool sipping my tea!
And the flavor of the tea is so wonderful.
I love, love, Loved it!

And...get a load of these pyramid shaped tea bags with the little leaf on top.

And the best part of all is I found it online HERE.
The prices are higher than what I buy at the supermarket
but less expensive than at Starbucks.

I think I will save my new tea for times when I need to pamper myself.
Or...I'm thinking it would make a great gift for someone
who loves tea as much as I do.

So relax and have a "spot of tea" today.